The Challenges to Talking About Wellbeing

Talking about Wellbeing Inma Moreno Business and Life Coach
Inma Moreno Coach Signature
A few days ago, I had the opportunity to give a talk about wellbeing for a foundation that supports burns survivors and the recovery from other traumas, with which I usually collaborate. I believe it was the most challenging presentation I have given in my 30-year career.
The complicated thing differed from the topic discussed in question (The Five Pillars of Wellbeing) since it is a message fully integrated into my core values.
Once I arrived at the event, I learned that on this occasion, families affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) had been invited. The night before the presentation, I had the opportunity to share a table with the parents of two girls, about 2 and 4 years old, one affected by a spectrum disorder and the other by SMA, who were also present. They told us the couple had to sleep separately because their daughters needed constant attention. In particular, they had to turn the SMA-affected girl over every 4 hours during the night.
After listening to this and other stories, who dares to talk about exercising, eating healthy or the importance of sleeping eight hours to people in these circumstances?
But I did because, in my mind, I only intended to add value to the quality of life of those people who had all the respect and admiration.

The next day, I was surprised when I coincided casually with several mothers whose children were affected by SMA. One of them, a single mother, thanked me for talking about cortisol(stress hormone) because she now understood her skin problems. Then, the mother of the two girls I had had dinner with thanked me for reminding her of small things she used to do for her wellbeing, such as exercising. She thought getting back into that routine when the girls slept during the day was worth it because, during my talk, she learned she could feel better after releasing endorphins.

This experience has taught me that things done with love and empathy are always valuable, regardless of the circumstances. This gives me the strength to continue my mission of helping people improve their quality of life 💞.


If you want to experience the joy of being able to balance your personal and professional life schedule a free consultation with me today!


Read now 👉🏻   Nurturing Wellbeing: Insights from My Talk with the Kids Foundation


Inma Moreno Coach

Wellbeing Coach, Master in NLP coaching and Time Line Therapy®


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