I Am Not Lucky; I Am Committed

Inma Moreno Coach


In a world where social media showcases rapid achievements, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing success comes overnight. As someone who exercises regularly and strives for a balanced life, I often find myself reflecting on the misconceptions surrounding fitness and overall well-being. Many people assume people’s results stem from genetic gifts or mere luck. However, behind every success story lies a foundation built on consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance, and I am sure you have experienced it in your life journey.


The Illusion of Genetic Gift


When I meet someone I haven’t seen for a long time, I often receive comments that suggest I’m just lucky to have “good genes that delay me aging,” which is quite the opposite because I have a gene that alters the collagen in my body.  It’s a common narrative: we see fitness influencers flaunting their sculpted physiques and think they woke up that way. But the reality is far different. For me, achieving my well-being goals has required countless hours of daily workouts, meditation routines, maintaining healthy habits, and a mental commitment to push through tough days.

Each small victory—whether it’s going further in a yoga pose or keeping pushing my limits on the Pilates bed—adds up over time. It’s the power of consistent effort that transforms those daily routines into visible results. There’s no shortcut; it’s a journey of persistence that pays off in the long run.


Balancing Life: Luck vs. Effort


Similarly, when I look at my own balanced life, I often hear people attribute my success to luck. They see the time I dedicate to self-care, family, and hobbies like travelling (yes, I love travel 😍) and assume it happened by chance. In truth, cultivating balance requires intentional effort. Years ago, I had a wake-up call when I was diagnosed with a severe health condition, and I lost my beloved brother six months later, so, in my case, it’s about choosing to enjoy little things today instead of being obsessed with accumulating things or claiming the corporate ladder at any price.

Creating a balanced life isn’t a stroke of good fortune; it results from disciplined choices and the resolve to stick with them. Each decision, while seemingly small, contributes to a holistic sense of well-being.


The Power of Consistency


The truth is that success—be it in fitness, career, or personal fulfilment—stems from consistent effort. It’s the daily grind, the unwavering commitment to my goals, and the ability to embrace setbacks as learning opportunities. The journey can be long and challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Instead of yearning for instant success, I celebrate the power of incremental progress. I remind myself that every small step counts. Whether it’s completing a workout, meeting a deadline, or spending quality time with loved ones, each effort compounds over time, creating momentum that propels me forward.


My Learnings


I’ve learned to appreciate the real stories behind success in a society that often glorifies quick wins and instant gratification. It’s about dedication, resilience, and the commitment to show up day after day. So, the next time you admire someone’s achievements, take a moment to recognise the consistent effort that led them there. Embrace your own journey, and remember: every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals. Success may not come overnight, but with persistent effort, it’s absolutely within reach.


Ready to transform your life or your workplace? Schedule a free consultation with me today!


Read now 👉🏻 Protecting My Most Valuable Assets: A Personal Journey


Inma Moreno Coach

Wellbeing Coach, Master in NLP coaching and Time Line Therapy®


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